Tuesday, February 28, 2012

At the Office

I'm not a career girl by any stretch of the imagination, but I do love the office look. I would have to say that it's my favorite fashion category.

I volunteer at a Crisis Pregnancy Center once a week, and love doing it. A side benefit is that the dress code is "casual business attire." Yay!

When I first started working in the office there, I had to add pieces to my very casual wardrobe in order to survive, but I feel confident in creating very suitable outfits from what I have now. I think that learning to dress for an atmosphere in which I previously had no experience really stretched me in the "outfit making" area, which was a good thing. Now I am able to adapt to many more situations. I have even started dressing more "businesslike" for stay-at-home days, because it affects my attitude toward my work.

Here's a recent outfit I wore to the Center:

Blouse - $3.50 at Goodwill. Altered just bit. (see this post on my other blog for details)
Blazer - hand-me-down from a friend. I have a hard time finding fitted jackets that actually fit. This one fits perfectly on the body, but the sleeves are too short. So I just rolled them up, and no one knew! It worked since the blouse is 3/4 sleeve as well.
Jean Skirt - Made by me. No pattern. First pencil skirt I've ever made. Usually not a fan of them, but this one works.
Black leggings - I.love.leggings. Think of them like a camisole for your lower half. I wouldn't wear a camisole by itself, but it really helps "fix" shirts I wouldn't otherwise wear. Ditto for leggings. They add so much flexibility - not to mention warmth!
Boots - These are my $5.00 Goodwill boots again. They are actually a little uncomfortable, but I'm hoping I'll "break them in" a bit.
I'm also wearing a black bead necklace, and my hair is braided back on either side. Usually I wear my hair up with business looks, but I was feeling uninspired that day.

Off I go!


  1. You have inspired me to do outfit posts, too! I take "in the mirror pics with my phone. :) You have a lovely sense of style, but most importantly, you dress to please the Lord and not the world.

  2. Thanks you! And I would LOVE to see some more outfit posts on your blog!


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